Unicycle (24 Inch, Blue)
Mike or Flower
Shattered Mirror Paddle
Flick Envelope
Mental Epic Board
Elusive Queen
Adair’s Five To One PLUS.
Milk Jug – Large
Roughing stick
When you rub the surface of the stick against a card, it will act as roughing fluid does, only better. The cards stay together in roughed pairs, yet are more easily separated without fumbling whenever you want. The stick leaves NO RESIDUE, and with the roughing stick supplied you can create at least 150 Invisible Decks! This is, for all purposes, a LIFETIME supply. The best part? It's so inexpensive.
Metal Key Link Puzzle
Candle to Flower (Brass Deluxe)
The tube barely fits over the candle and is used to extinguish the flame & cover the entire candle. With a wave of your wand the cover is removed and the candle has transformed into a beautiful flower bush with 10 MULTICOLORED feather flowers! The bush is much wider than the tube which is shown empty once again. Where did that candle go? Must be MAGIC!