This is a new and very cleverly gimmicked deck of cards, which appears quite normal in all respects, but will enable you to perform some effective card fans and flourishes without the elaborate practice required to perform these with an ordinary deck. Unlike the Electric Deck, Chinese Fanning Deck and other mechanical decks for flourishes, where cards are threaded together, there is no thread or visible connection that joins these cards together. You can dribble the deck from hand to hand, or even shuffle the deck in a very fair manner, then perform your professional fans and flourishes. Yet these cards “lock” (like the Electric Deck) to produce some perfect fans and flourishes. The back designs of the deck are multicolor pictures without white borders, and if you hold the deck by the different corners and fan, you will get different and attractive designs. The deck is fanned with back facing audience to display the designs. You can fan it clockwise and anti clockwise. You can also make perfect ribbon spreads, arcs, or random designs (like the “Red Indian Head Dress” illustrated above) on a close up pad or cloth covered table cloth. Once you get the hang of handling the cards, you will find it easy to make impressive fans and other attractive flourishes as you play around with them. Try the stunt of ribbon spreading the cards along your arm, then tossing up the spread and catching the deck squared. It has been described in several books of card magic, – a very good illustrated description is in Bill Tarr’s Now You See it Now You Don’t (page 87). Or try the Waterfall – another excellent flourish (also on page 74 of the same book). This gimmicked deck makes many of these flourishes much easier to perform. This is a new and original concept – a very novel and different magic prop. Recommended for professionals
Patilmagic/stag magic/patil magic /bicyle deck/card magic/deck magic/magic for children/adult magic products